25 Fun-Filled Minute to Win It Team Games to Break the Ice

Are you in need of thrilling and engaging team-building activities that wrap up in just 25 minutes? You’re in luck! “Minute to Win It” games are not just for TV—they’re a fantastic way to bring people together, break the ice, and inject a lot of fun into any gathering. Whether you’re organizing a corporate event, a family reunion, or a party with friends, these games will keep everyone entertained.

These games are perfect because they are quick and easy to set up, require active participation, and can be played in various settings, from office spaces to backyards. Let’s dive into 25 unique and exhilarating Minute to Win It team games that will have everyone laughing and competing in no time.

25 Minute to Win It Team Games

Minute to Win It Team Games

1. Penny Tower

In Penny Tower, the objective is to stack as many pennies as possible using only one hand within a minute. Players start with a pile of pennies on a table and must build a single towering stack. If the stack collapses, they must start over. It’s essential to start with a stable base and carefully align the pennies. This game can be made easier by using larger coins or poker chips, or more challenging by attempting to build multiple towers or stacking blindfolded.

This game tests precision and patience, making it a perfect icebreaker. The variations in difficulty levels ensure that it remains engaging for players of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re using it as a quick team-building exercise or a fun party game, Penny Tower is a great way to bring people together.

2. Ping Pong Ball Transfer

The Ping Pong Ball Transfer game requires players to move as many ping pong balls as possible from one plate to another using a spoon held in their mouth. Set up involves placing six ping pong balls on one plate. Players scoop up the balls with the spoon and carry them to the other plate without using their hands. This game can be varied by having team relays where players pass the balls spoon-to-spoon or navigating obstacles while carrying the ball.

This game encourages balance and focus, as players must carefully maneuver the balls without dropping them. It’s a fun and engaging activity that can be easily adapted for different skill levels and age groups. The relay variation adds a competitive edge, making it perfect for team-building events.

3. Dizzy Mummy

In Dizzy Mummy, one player holds a roll of toilet paper while the other prepares to be wrapped. The “mummy” spins around, unwinding the toilet paper to wrap themselves. This game requires coordination and speed, as the goal is to wrap the mummy completely within a minute. For added fun, use multiple rolls to speed up the process or add challenges like spinning in different directions or using only half a roll.

This game is not only fun but also hilarious to watch, making it a crowd favorite. It’s a great way to break the ice and get everyone laughing. The variations in the game can make it more challenging and engaging, ensuring that it remains exciting no matter how many times you play.

4. Office Tennis

Office Tennis involves two players using clipboards as rackets to hit a crumpled piece of paper into a trash can. Players start at a designated line and hit the paper back and forth as they move toward the trash can. The game can be made more challenging by increasing the distance between the start line and the trash can. It’s a fun and interactive game that promotes teamwork and coordination.

This game can be easily set up in any office or open space, making it a convenient option for team-building activities. The competitive nature of the game encourages players to work together and communicate effectively. It’s a simple yet effective way to foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

5. Flip it Back

In Flip it Back, players start with two pencils laid across the back of their hand. They must flip the pencils into the air and catch both, adding another pencil each time they successfully catch them. The challenge is to see who can catch the most pencils within a minute. This game tests dexterity and concentration, and can be made more difficult by increasing the number of pencils or adding time constraints.

This game is great for improving hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes. The increasing difficulty level keeps players engaged and motivated to keep trying. It’s a fun and competitive game that can be played individually or in teams.

6. Blow it Away

Blow it Away requires players to blow mini marshmallows across a table into a taped-off circle using a rolled-up piece of paper as a straw. The game starts with a pile of mini marshmallows at one end of the table and a taped circle at the other. Players have one minute to blow the marshmallows into the circle. This game can be varied by using different objects or creating obstacles to navigate.

This game is perfect for developing breath control and precision. It’s a fun and light-hearted activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The variations in the game can make it more challenging and exciting, ensuring that it remains a favorite at any gathering.

7. Cookie Face

In Cookie Face, players place a cookie on their forehead and have one minute to move it to their mouth using only facial movements. This game is a hilarious test of coordination and control, as players can’t use their hands and must rely on their facial muscles to guide the cookie. It’s a simple yet entertaining game that’s sure to get everyone laughing.

This game is not only fun to play but also entertaining to watch, making it a great addition to any party or event. It’s a perfect icebreaker and can be played by people of all ages. The simplicity of the game makes it easy to set up and play, ensuring that it remains a favorite.

8. Junk in the Trunk

Junk in the Trunk involves shaking ping pong balls out of a tissue box tied to the player’s waist. The tissue box, filled with ping pong balls, is secured around the waist with a belt. Players have one minute to shake out as many balls as possible without using their hands. This game is fun and energetic, encouraging players to jump, wiggle, and move creatively to get the balls out.

This game is perfect for high-energy gatherings, as it gets everyone moving and laughing. The physical activity involved makes it a great way to break the ice and get people interacting. The variations in the game can make it more challenging and exciting, ensuring that it remains a favorite at any event.

9. Suck It Up

Suck It Up requires players to use a straw to transfer M&Ms from one plate to another. Players can only use one hand to hold the straw while sucking the candies onto the straw’s end and transferring them. This game can be played individually or in teams and tests the players’ precision and control. The winner is the player who transfers the most M&Ms within the given time.

This game is perfect for improving fine motor skills and concentration. The competitive nature of the game keeps players engaged and motivated to keep trying. It’s a fun and challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

10. Balloon Collector

Balloon Collector is all about gathering as many balloons as possible in one trip. Players have a pile of balloons on the floor and must collect and hold as many as they can in one go within a minute. The challenge lies in managing the balloons and preventing them from escaping or popping. This game is great for encouraging strategic thinking and physical coordination.

This game is perfect for large gatherings, as it can be played by multiple players at once. The physical activity involved makes it a great way to break the ice and get people interacting. The variations in the game can make it more challenging and exciting, ensuring that it remains a favorite at any event.

11. Blindfold Bowling

In Blindfold Bowling, players are blindfolded and must knock down as many pins as possible within a minute. Teammates can help guide the player by providing verbal directions. This game adds a twist to the classic bowling experience by relying on teamwork and trust. It’s an exciting and unpredictable game that’s sure to create some memorable moments.

This game is perfect for improving communication and teamwork skills. The blindfold adds an element of surprise and excitement, making it a fun and engaging activity. It’s a great way to build trust and cooperation among team members.

12. Cup Stack

Cup Stack involves stacking and unstacking plastic cups into a pyramid formation. Players have one minute to complete the task. The game tests speed, coordination, and precision as players race against the clock. It’s a simple setup but provides an intense challenge, making it a popular choice for team-building events.

This game is perfect for improving hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes. The competitive nature of the game keeps players engaged and motivated to keep trying. It’s a fun and challenging game that can be played individually or in teams.

13. Cupcake Blaster

The Cupcake Blaster minute to win it game is a fun and fast-paced challenge that tests your accuracy and coordination. Players must shoot cupcakes, typically made of paper or foam, using a rubber band or launcher, trying to land them onto a target within 60 seconds.

This game is perfect for parties or team-building events, offering a blend of excitement and competition. It’s easy to set up and play, making it a great choice for any gathering where quick, entertaining activities are needed.

14. Tilt a cup

In the Tilt-a-Cup Minute to Win It game, players must carefully maneuver a cup to transfer a small object, such as a ping pong ball or candy, from one container to another. Precision and patience are key, as every tilt and movement must be calculated to prevent the object from falling out.

This game is perfect for testing hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills under pressure. With only a minute on the clock, participants must stay focused and quick to complete the challenge successfully.

15. Candelier

In the Candelier Minute to Win It game, players are challenged to stack and balance as many plastic cups as possible to form a towering “chandelier.” The task requires precise hand-eye coordination and steady nerves as participants race against the clock to achieve the highest stack before time runs out.

The game is not only a test of dexterity but also a fun spectacle of competitive spirit, with players often developing unique strategies to perfect their stacking technique. As the clock ticks away, the excitement builds, making it a thrilling experience for both participants and spectators alike.

16. Egg Race

Egg Race involves carrying an egg on a spoon held in the player’s mouth over a short distance. Players must complete the course without dropping the egg. The game can be made more challenging by increasing the distance or adding obstacles. It’s a fun and competitive game that tests balance and concentration.

This game is perfect for developing fine motor skills and coordination. The competitive nature of the game keeps players engaged and motivated to keep trying. It’s a simple yet challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

17. Blow It Up

Blow It Up requires players to blow up balloons and use the air inside to knock over plastic cups. Players have one minute to knock over as many cups as possible. This game is both fun and physically engaging, as players must use their breath control and aim to succeed. It’s a lively game that’s sure to generate a lot of laughs.

This game is perfect for improving breath control and precision. The variations in the game can make it more challenging and exciting, ensuring that it remains a favorite at any gathering. It’s a fun and engaging activity that’s perfect for all ages.

18. Scoop It Up

Scoop It Up involves using a spoon held in the mouth to transfer ping pong balls from one bowl to another. Players’ hands are tied behind their backs, adding an extra level of difficulty. This game tests coordination and balance, as players must carefully scoop and move the balls without dropping them. It’s a fun and challenging game for all ages.

This game is great for developing fine motor skills and concentration. The competitive nature of the game keeps players engaged and motivated to keep trying. It’s a simple yet challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

19. Needle in a Corn Stack

Needle in a Corn Stack is a game where players search for three specific kernels in a bowl of corn within one minute. This game tests the players’ focus and speed as they sift through the corn to find the kernels. It’s a simple yet challenging game that requires keen observation and quick hands.

This game is perfect for improving fine motor skills and concentration. The variations in the game can make it more challenging and exciting, ensuring that it remains a favorite at any event. It’s a great way to encourage teamwork and quick thinking.

20. Baby Rattle

The Baby Rattle Minute to Win It game is a fun and lively challenge that will test your agility and coordination. Players must shake a rattle filled with small objects to get them to the top of the rattle in just 60 seconds.

The real fun lies in the balancing act required to achieve this. The rattle’s design makes it tricky to handle, adding a delightful twist to the fast-paced excitement of the game.

21. Yank me

In the “Yank Me” minute to win it game, players must pull a string to remove a series of hanging items from a board without letting any of them touch the floor. The challenge requires quick reflexes and precise coordination to avoid a time-consuming mess.

With each yank, the tension rises as players balance speed with accuracy. Success hinges on mastering the technique of pulling without dropping, making it a thrilling and dynamic game for all participants.

22. Speed Eraser

In Speed Eraser, players bounce pencils off the eraser end into cups. The objective is to get a pencil in each cup within a minute. This game tests hand-eye coordination and timing, as players must judge the right amount of force and angle. It’s a challenging and engaging game that provides a lot of fun.

This game is great for improving hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes. The competitive nature of the game keeps players engaged and motivated to keep trying. It’s a simple yet challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

23. Master of Bubbles

Master of Bubbles involves blowing bubbles through a hula hoop. Players have one minute to blow and guide their bubbles through the hoop using their breath. This game is light-hearted and entertaining, requiring breath control and gentle movements. It’s a fun way to see who can blow the most bubbles through the hoop.

This game is perfect for improving breath control and precision. The variations in the game can make it more challenging and exciting, ensuring that it remains a favorite at any gathering. It’s a fun and engaging activity that’s perfect for all ages.

24. Chopped Cereal

Chopped Cereal is a game where players use chopsticks to transfer cereal from one bowl to another within a minute. This game tests precision and dexterity, as players must carefully pick up and move the cereal without dropping it. It’s a challenging and fun game that requires steady hands and concentration.

This game is great for developing fine motor skills and concentration. The competitive nature of the game keeps players engaged and motivated to keep trying. It’s a simple yet challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

25. Stick the landing

In the “Stick the Landing” Minute to Win It game, players must navigate a series of challenges to land a small object, like a coin or a paper clip, onto a designated target. Precision and steady hands are key as participants aim to score points within the time limit.

This game tests both focus and dexterity, making it a fun and engaging activity for players of all ages. Success relies on a mix of skill and strategy, as even a slight miscalculation can impact the final result.


There you have it—25 engaging and fun Minute to Win It team games perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re looking to break the ice at a corporate event, add some excitement to a family gathering, or just have a blast with friends, these games will bring laughter and camaraderie.

Remember, the key to a successful game session is enthusiasm and a willingness to jump into the fun. So, gather your group, set the timer, and let the games begin! These activities are sure to create memorable moments and strengthen bonds within your grou

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